I've been reading "Succulent Wild Woman: Dancing With Your Wonder-Full Self" by Sark.
It's a book all about being fabulous.
It's very optimistic. It makes me want to run about outside butt-naked, with a cocktail, a big ole hat, and an attitude.
Don't panic. I won't. It's a bit nippy out there this time of year.
In the book Sark writes about a friend of hers, Michelle, who said:
"I eat cake for breakfast. I know I'm going to want it all day anyway, so I just start with it."
I like that way of thinking.
My nana always used to say, "A little bit of what you fancy does you good." Before she put a nip of whisky in her tea.
It can get a bit gloomy in January. It can feel like Spring is never going to arrive. So I recommend you find a copy of Sark's book "Succulent Wild Woman", and sit down to read it with a plate of cake. Or have a little bit of what you fancy.
I'm going to...
It works for me every time.