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Favourite Thing On A Friday - Sherbert Dib Dabs

Happy Friday everyone!  How has your week been?  The sun is shining here in my neck of the woods.  The leaves are rich shades of red and orange.  The sky is a beautiful blue.  And a new retro sweet shop (how's that for an oxymoron) opened yesterday in the village nearby.  I cannot tell you how happy I am.  Sherbert on tap.  All is right with the world.

Let me explain.

I am aware that many people love chocolate.  The rise in the use of chocolate fountains gave me a hint towards this notion.  And at the risk of causing a collective gasp, I have to confess...  I'm not a big chocolate fan.  Nope, I'm not.

My sugary treats of choice seem to involve anything boiled, fruity, fruity and chewy, sherbet slathered, and/or bonbon-ish.  Hence my deep passion for Jelly Tots, Fruit Pastilles, Skittles, and anything that comes in a bag with a lollipop/liquorice stick, or looks faintly like sherbert. I thank the heavens I've never been the slightest bit interested in illegal drugs.

At a wedding once, the bride tossed her bouquet in my direction.  I stepped aside and let the throng of charging women decimate the poor thing.  If that bouquet had been a Sherbert Dib Dab, I'd have done very bad things to every women hoofing it in my direction to ensure I got my hands on that sugary little fella.

Imagine my delight yesterday, when I stumbled upon the newly opened retro sweet shoppe (their spelling, not mine) in the village nearby.  As I stepped across the threshold, I thought I knew exactly how Charlie Bucket must have felt on entering Willy Wonka's factory gates.

There were more Dib Dabs inside than I could waggle a liquorice stick at.  It was a beautiful moment.

Over the years, I've bemoaned the fact that getting my hands on a sherbert fountain or a fruit bonbon has been harder than scoring a dose of crack cocaine.  I'm speculating here, you understand.  I don't actually have first-hand experience of this.  Not long after I first met Steve he was popping out to the shops and asked me if I wanted anything.  I said "Strawberry Bonbons please" not realising exactly what I'd done.  He was gone for ninety minutes.  He came back with a bag of vanilla bonbons after trawling every sweet shop within a 6 mile radius.  I knew right then and there he was a keeper. And now, on my door step, there is an emporium filled with sherbert pips, cola bottles, sherbert fountains, sherbert Dib Dabs, Cola Cubes, Swizzel Sticks, Strawberry Bonbons, and Rhubarb and Custards.

I am undone.

What are your favourite sweet treats?

If you fancy joining in with...


... Just link up below and I'll be over faster than I can get through a bag of sherbert pips.  Oh happy day!


  1. I love sour/fizzy/chewy sweets. 'Nerds'used to be my favourite, haven't seen them in years. I also love coconut mushroom. And sherbet pips. And Millions. And pear drops, but they give me a bad chest.

  2. I don't like chocolate or cakes but a sherbert Dib-Dab or Flying Saucers? Hell, yes!! You've just reminded me that I've got one stashed in the cupboard. x

  3. I have tried to join in the link up - I hope I've done it right! I think this is a great idea - thank you Emma for organising the link up.

  4. Hi Emma,

    Your post made me LOL! You sound so much like my youngest daughter. She loves the same things you do and is an exception in our chocoholic family :-)!

    Happy weekend,

    Madelief x

  5. I love dib dabs!! I found some a while ago in a random shop, bliss! I have a big sweet tooth so sweet or choc Im easy ;o) Scarlett x

  6. Kali is my old time favourite especially rainbow crystals - all the colours in one bag. Partake with your tongue and Paradise is very nearly there. We have an old fashioned sweetie shop and it's very difficult not to nip in when passing. The only thing that's changed is the price of the sweets.
    Love from Mum
    PS Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog. I hope you enjoy your visits.

  7. Just managed to get mine in! Yours is way more fun and interesting to read but hey I'll get there.

    Oh and we have and old fashioned sweet shop in our market town and I have to walk past it everyday, there's lots of willpower involved I can tell you! Loloxx

  8. Being an American, I've not heard of most of those goodies. I would love to try some. We do have two English shops here - maybe, they might have some but I know that they have a lot of chocolate bars which my daughter and I have tried.

  9. Hmmmm 2oz of cola cubes, 2oz of pineapple chunks, some flying saucers and I'm a happy girl!


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